There are certainly ups and downs in life, If you are a die heart Pubg Lover then a time will come once in your life that you'll decide by yourself to quit Pubg Forever or you may be forced by your parents to quit the Pubg Lite and be more focused in your life. There can be many reasons to delete Pubg Lite Account rather than this many of them may be personal.
So I think you all have already decided to Delete your Pubg Lite Account Permanently, But you don't know that how to delete your Pubg Account. So I have written this article to tell you how you can delete your Pubg Lite Account Permanently from the Mobile and Pc versions.
Delete Pubg Lite Account Permanently
Steps to delete Pubg Lite Account: Pc Version
So now you have made it clear that you are going to deleting Pubg Lite Account Permanently. But keep in mind that when you delete your account then you will no longer be able to retrieve the deleted account. Once you delete a PUBG Lite account, the profile information and all items that you have in the account will also disappear. So carefully think twice before you decide to delete the Pubg Lite account permanently.
You need to follow the steps given below if you wanted to delete the Pubg Lite account Permanently-
Then, go to the Settings section from the main screen.
Now take a look at your account one last time and then find and click on Delete Account.
The Pubg system will request you to confirm your action. You can confirm by clicking on the Delete button again.
Then, re-enter your Pubg Lite Account password so you can delete your PUBG Lite account.
Steps to delete Pubg Mobile Lite Account
First, you have to Launch PUBG Mobile.
Now head towards the “Settings”
Now Tap on “Delete Account” at the bottom of the screen.